
Announcement of a new dog sledding ride!

17 December 2020

It will now be possible to do one-hour dog sled rides with Les Balades solo at a cost of $ 45 per adult and $ 25 per child (12 years old and under). A family price for two adults and two children is also available at a cost of $ 125. Departures every day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Bec-Scie Outdoor Center.

In addition, this weekend at Bec-scie, the Solo Walks pack will be on site to take your reservations. This will be the perfect opportunity to take advantage of our snowshoeing or cross-country skiing trails, to rent your equipment, to meet Santa Claus at the entrance to the slopes, to eat your lunch in our rest room and then enjoy a beautiful dog sled ride!


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