
Closing of the brook trout (sea trout) fishery

13 August 2022

[IMPORTANT] 🐟❌ The closure of brook trout fishing in the Rivière à Mars is effective August 15.

"We therefore inform fishing enthusiasts that this year, fishing for brook trout (sea trout) will not be permitted in the Rivière à Mars, from its mouth to the downstream side of pit No. 80. (48°12'16" N., 70°59'52" W.).
The number of sea trout spawners is insufficient to allow a harvest and guarantee an optimal supply of young char in the years to come." (Excerpt from the press release from the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec)

Full press release :
https://www.quebec.ca/nouvelles/actualites/details/saguenaylac-saint-jean-modification-au-reglement-de-peche-du-quebec-dans-un-troncon-de-la-riviere-a- march-42747

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