
Profile and mission

« Respecting our nature! »

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To preserve, restore, and enhance natural environments in order to promote collective well-being, while ensuring sustainable access to outdoor spaces and recreational-tourism activities.



2050 Vision :
By 2050, our society will face numerous challenges of varying scales, many of which are unpredictable, and will inevitably impact Contact Nature. Climate change and biodiversity loss, in particular, are likely to have significant repercussions on our activities.
Contact Nature will need to undergo a major transformation to become more resilient to the impacts ahead. To ensure the organization’s resilience and sustainability, while positively contributing to the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss, Contact Nature must be prepared to continuously adapt to new realities, stay updated on environmental issues, and act as a leader in its field.

2030 Vision:
By 2030, through its recognized expertise in integrated and harmonized natural environment management, Contact Nature will play a central role as an agent of change in fostering collaboration among stakeholders, promoting positive and sustainable impacts for the planet.


Commitmen to the community :
Contact Nature aims to create a sense of belonging within its community and among its staff. It is committed to listening to its community and acting with transparency in all of its decisions and actions.

 Benevolent leadership :
Contact Nature strives to fulfill its mission by ensuring that it encourages, initiates, and implements positive changes within its community and environment.

Ecoherence :
A new and emerging concept, Ecoherence seeks to make the economy compatible with ecology. “The adjective ‘Ecoherent’ is often used to describe a complex system. An activity is Ecoherent when its execution respects the acceptable ecological footprint limits, considering the relative usefulness of the activity. In general, meeting the goals of Ecoherence requires that the mechanisms governing the operation and evolution of the activity prioritize coherence with the global system, which takes precedence over the utility of the activity.” (Institute of Ecoherence)