
Contact Nature and Jardins Baielactée in a New Partnership!

5 May 2020

Contact Nature and the Baielactée Gardens have created a whole new partnership! The two organizations are now working together to sell vegetables, plants and flowers from Jardins Baielactée online, with home delivery service!

Visit the online store.

The Covid-19 crisis prompted the two organizations to use their imagination to develop new projects and thus continue to offer work to their employees. This partnership allows Contact Nature, which already has an online store, to diversify its income and at Jardins Baielactée to continue selling its products this summer!

Deliveries are made securely, while deliverers deposit prepaid orders online in front of customers' doors. The cost of a delivery is $ 5 for the La Baie sector and $ 7 for Chicoutimi.

Launching for Mother's Day!

It is already possible to order flowers from Jardins Baielactée online for Mother's Day! Visit the online store to have beautiful dahlias delivered to your dear mom. Let's buy local!

Get ready to order your flowers, vegetables and plants!

  • Plants and flowers will be available from May 15th.
  • Vegetables will be available from June 1st.

Visit the online store.

Contact Nature et les Jardins Baielactée are very proud to announce this partnership and look forward to the first orders!

Let's encourage local businesses!

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